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Slovakia to the President of Slovakia

…or how to manufacture a map urgently through covid quarantine.

We take the making of our maps really to the heart, so it’s always a pleasure to hear from someone with a less common order. Like last week for example. This time the phone rang and we were asked by the office of the President of the Association of Towns and Municipalities of Slovakia to deliver one wooden wall map of Slovakia for a truly special client – the President of our country. On the one hand, we were pleased that one of our maps would be delivered to the presidential palace. On the other hand, the order came on a day when our production was closed due to covid. And just the day before, we had shipped the last of the Slovak maps that had been produced. And to make it even more complicated, it was needed for a specific event, right on Monday afternoon, so this way before the weekend – a really crazy deadline…

Impossible on hold and miracles express!” – that’s our motto we try to follow and every “impossible” thing is a challenge for us. And even though the first reports said that it was not realistic to do it at the last minute and with the production shut down, in the end the spirit of our workshop worked its magic, the courier service worked well, and come Monday the map was handed over to its recipient. The President was happy, so we hope that the map will find its place in the presidential palace 😉

Wooden Map for the Slovak President - Zuzana Čaputová
Wooden Map for the Slovak President – Zuzana Čaputová

PS: we are already placing bets at 68travel who will be the next head of state to receive one of our maps. Will you join in the guessing game too?

カテゴリー: Blog
